User-Facing Pages: 1. Home Page: Welcome message and navigation. Featured photography packages. Link to portfolio. 2. Login Page: Form for user login. Link to registration page. 3. Registration Page: Form for user registration. 4. User Dashboard: Overview of profile details. List of booked services. 5. Service Listings Page: List of all photography packages with details. Option to book a service. 6. Booking Page: Form for booking a photography service. Integration with payment gateway. 7. Booking Confirmation Page: Confirmation of booking details. Payment status. 8. Portfolio Page: Display a gallery of previous work. 9. Profile Management Page: Form for users to update personal information. Admin-Facing Pages: 1. Admin Dashboard: Overview of system metrics (total bookings, revenue). Navigation to manage services, bookings, and portfolio. 2. Manage Services Page: List of all services with options to add, edit, or delete services. 3. Manage Bookings Page: List of all bookings with options to update their status. 4. Manage Portfolio Page: Option to add, edit, or delete portfolio images.