Support prototype: scrolling
I need to create UI for social media app, but I need the possibility to scroll between posts. Now I can only see a long list of post and is orrible.
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Vi Vo
Vi Vo
Hi everyone,
We’re excited to announce that Visily now supports device frames, making your prototypes look more realistic during presentations. You can even scroll within these frames for an interactive experience.
To use this feature, turn on the "Show Device frame" toggle in the prototype panel. Visily will choose the appropriate mobile or laptop frame automatically.
In Presentation mode, click the "Device Frame" toggle at the bottom to show or hide the frame.
Please see the attached images for reference. We'd love to hear what you think about this feature!
Best regards,
Vi from Visily Team
Vi Vo
Merged in a post:
Prototype scroll
Allow configuration of elements that can be scrolled within a screen.
Deleted User
Merged in a post:
Support prototype: apply scrolling behavior for element
Artem Marchenko
When you have data intensive pages (charts and especially data grids) deciding on what scrolls is important and playing with prototypes is very useful.
It's a large topic, but you could possibly cover 80% of cases by just allowing tables with huge amount of data (over the allowed space) and specify CSS-like "fixed" and various overflow-y positions.
Somewhat like what these requests are about:
Merged in a post:
Support scrolling down in a "page/screen"
Driton Ajnuni
It would be ideal to have the opportunity to scroll within a screen, as it would enable us to create stunning mockups.
Boss Jenish
I want to scroll feature in post or web designing
Vixeo AR Movie Maker
Scrolling is essential in a screen, not clear how it doesnt exists yet
Sarah from Visily
Hi Vixeo AR Movie Maker, we don’t have support scrolling interaction yet, but this is something we plan to support in the future.
S Lee
Scrolling interaction is essential, and I didn't expect the function to be unavailable.
Sarah from Visily
Hi S Lee, we don’t have support scrolling interaction yet, but this is something we plan to support in the future.
Sarah from Visily
Duplicated with:
Franco Marchelli
Vertical scrolling could be a really good function. Also would be killer if I can set a header that cannot be moved or so.
Sarah from Visily
Franco Marchelli: great suggestion 👌🏻
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